Self Help and Personal Growth is always overlooked because we do not think of helping ourselves. Especially, when it comes to our emotions, physical, spiritual or mental self. We need to work on focusing on “us” to become a better version of ourselves. That way we can also help others with more confidence because we are also helping us. We will keep looking of ways to help us achieve those goals. Kepp returning and find new things.

A Book Club Is A Great Thing: Someone once told me that a book club is one of the best ways to experience an unknown place. Somewhere you want to be but have not been. I give us pointers on how to start or join one. So look for the information right here.

self help image of a swimming pool

Dream Bigger: By dreaming bigger you are helping those who need it the most. Your goal is to help others achieve the most they can. What better than you dream bigger too. Read more about it here.

For a Better Future: On this page you will find my journey to why I am here. Why I am doing what I am doing here. Hope it will motivate you to do something to achieve your goals. Take a look here.

I hope that this category page of Self-Help and Personal Growth can give you some ideas on how to help YOU. Once you help you then you can share the knowledge and help others. Without you not feeling your best how can you portray confidence to others. This needs to start with you and then you can pass it on. So check out the above entries and see for yourself how to help you and others. The best way to help others is for you to also accept that you also need help.