pH Balance Products

The pH balance products, what are they anyway? They help your body restore the right pH balance to have healthy skin. pH balance is the level of acid and base balance found in your blood to keep your body functioning at its best. Your body knows how to keep itself balanced of the acid and alkaline. But sometimes it needs help staying in balance because your body somehow becomes unbalanced.

When you breathe harder and faster, the pH in your blood goes up because more carbon dioxide was exhaled. Now your lungs will do their job, which adjusts the pH levels back to the right balance in a very short time. On the other hand, your kidneys can also balance your pH levels by removing the acid or bases (alkaline) in the blood, but takes many hours or even days to accomplish it. Therefore, creating a body that needs to be in a balance state.

The pH Balance In Your Skin

pH balance products image of a young ladies with healthy looking skin

To have healthy skin your pH should be at about 7 from between 1 and 14. The lower the number the more acid and the higher the number more alkaline in the blood.

Just a little tidbit on shampoo. Use a shampoo that has a pH balance of less than 9, so your skin and scalp stay healthy.

When your Kidneys and Lungs cannot get rid of the excess acid in your blood, which causes your pH be out of whack, it is called Acidosis. Symptoms of Acidosis include:

  • You start to get tired very easily
  • Can’t breathe correctly
  • You get headaches
  • You become drowsy or fatigue
  • Sleepy
  • Confused

To reduce some of those symptoms do the following:

  • Use less acid foods like-sugar
  • Be more conscience and select healthier acid foods like-yogurt
  • 70% of your foods should be alkaline like-lemon water

That is why you need pH balance products that can help your skin be balanced at all times. I came across this skincare company that is all about having your body and skin pH balanced. The creator believes in helping everyone have the skin they deserve. She uses non-toxic ingredients in all her products with the pH that will help the skin. Her main focus is to have the products help you have the skin and body as healthy as can be.

She also believes that having fragrance-free products will avoid you having allergies and rashes on the skin. Some people have even reported that they get headaches and breathing issues with fragrance skincare. Obviously, that is the reason why her products are safe for everyone even the people who have sensitive skin. So another cool area she thought of is for those prone to acne. The products do not have any pore-clogging oils, so skin will be blemish free.

Some ingredients she avoids are:

  • Parabens
  • Sulfates
  • Gluten
  • Alcohol
  • Mineral Oil
  • Comedogenic, Sensitizing ingredients
  • Animal testing

So in conclusion, to keep your pH balance in the right form you need to look at your current skin products and use only those that will keep you in the best healthy state. Nothing better than having your whole self feeling the best that it can possibly be.

Which brings me to another source that can keep your skin hydrated and healthy looking. Have you guessed what I am referring to? If you thought of water, you are correct. Get the best alkaline water your body needs right in your home. Save lots of money by not buying bottled water. As well as keeping the Earth cleaner.

Having your skin looking healthy and alive will make your self esteem sky rocket because of the results that you will see. You will start wanting to get your whole you in a state of balance. Have you ever heard of actual jewelry helping you reach that state? Well here is a few you can choose from to complete your balance. No better way to feel the energy in you than to protect you from EMF or Electro Magnetic Fields. Check it out and get all the information you need.

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